Total Talent Group SLNE, henceforth Luxe Talent, by means of its commitment to privacy, hereby gives notice to all of the users of this website of its data protection policy, as well as of the rights that they enjoy as users in regards to the use of the existing services offered at the website.
Luxe Talent has as one of its aim the protection of its information on the internet, as well as any information of a personal nature that may come into its possession.
You may safely visit our website and consult what it offers freely, as well as leaving information that may be requested of you.
Luxe Talent uses all data provided to it towards the ends clearly stated when the data was requested, and we maintain the data securely protected in accordance with the applicable laws in this regard.
Luxe Talent has implemented the levels of security and personal data protection required by law, using all means available to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of the data, and to insure that there is no unauthorized access to it.
Luxe Talent offers you the opportunity to record your personal and professional data and thereby participate in future selection processes. All of the personal data provided to us by the user will be used to create a personal computerized record for which Total Talent Group SLNE assumes responsibility.
The personal information provided will be subject to computerized treatment if the user has provided his or her prior consent. This is clearly stated in the pages at the website corresponding to ‘Sending your CV’.
Luxe Talent may supply its users with information of a commercial nature regarding products of the Group which it feels may be of interest to them. The users of the website expressly accept their agreement to receiving commercial communications regarding such products and services. This consent may be revoked, without retroactivity, by a simple notification to the sender under the terms stipulated in article 22 of the law 34/2002, dated July 11th, concerning information services and electronic commerce.
The Luxe Talent website provides you with the opportunity to place your curriculum vitae in its database. It will be accessible only to personnel of Luxe Talent, unless you provide express consent upon request for specific or general sharing of data with other companies.
Luxe Talent does not collect any specific information concerning minors. As one of the aims of this website is to provide work, Luxe Talent feels the obligation to request paternal consent before personal data is sent. As long as paternal consent is given at the website it may be of great use in the search for full-time or part-time employment for minors, either temporary or permanent.
Any changes that may be made in this regard will be posted on this page, so that the user is at all times cognizant of the new guidelines that may be established.
The handling or treatment of personal data of users by Total Talent Group SLNE, as well as the submission of personal communications by electronic means shall be in line, respectively, with the applicable general norms: Organic Law 15/1999, dated December 13, concerning the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature, and Law 34/2002, dated July 11, concerning Services of the Electronic Society and Electronic Commerce.
The following General Conditions are intended to provide information about and govern the use of the website, property of TOTAL TALENT GROUP SLNE, with headquarters at Av. Portal del Ángel 38, CP 08002 in Barcelona, Spain, and with fiscal identification number CIF B65083917. The company is duly inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Tome 41154, Folio 1, Page B-380786, Inscription 1.
Those who browse at are considered users thereof, which implies acceptance without reserve of the General Conditions stated herein. If you detect any errors or wish to make any suggestions concerning these General Conditions you may notify us by email at with an explanation of your observation(s).